I have 6 different google forms tied to 6 tabs in my workbook. I would like to pull all the responses from these 6 sheets to a central sheet.
The items provided in the survey that I would like to include are:
- Signup Date
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Raw State
- Cities
- Min Year Built
- Min List Price
- Max List Price
- Min Sqft
- Max Sqft
- Min Bedroom
- Foreclosure
I have used the Query function to successfully pull the following items:
- Signup Date
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Raw State
But am unable to pull the following:
- Cities
- Min Year Built
- Min List Price
- Max List Price
- Min Sqft
- Max Sqft
- Min Bedroom
- Foreclosure
I have attempted to pull this data with a new query function but it pulls the data incorrectly. I have also tried an Index(Match function but unable to pull from multiple sheets.