Using Spring Data REST with JPA in version 2.0.2.RELEASE.
How can I disable Hypertext Application Language (HAL) in the JSON ?
I have tried many things already, but to no avail. For example, I have set Accept and Content-type headers to "application/json" instead of "application/hal+json" but I still receive the JSON content with hyper links.
For example, I'd like to get something like:
"name" : "Foo",
"street" : "street Bar",
"streetNumber" : 2,
"streetLetter" : "b",
"postCode" : "D-1253",
"town" : "Munchen",
"country" : "Germany",
"phone" : "+34 4410122000",
"vat" : "000000001",
"employees" : 225,
"sector" : {
"description" : "Marketing",
"average profit": 545656665,
"average employees": 75,
"average profit per employee": 4556
Instead of:
"name" : "Foo",
"street" : "street Bar",
"streetNumber" : 2,
"streetLetter" : "b",
"postCode" : "D-1253",
"town" : "Munchen",
"country" : "Germany",
"phone" : "+34 4410122000",
"vat" : "000000001",
"employees" : 225,
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/app/companies/1"
"sector" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/app/companies/1/sector"
Thanks for your help.