I'm converting images saved in my Firebase database to Base64 and would like to decode and encode. I've researched similar questions, but am still getting errors. Here is what I have so far?
var image1 = String;
var pic = event.snapshot.value['image'];
var photo = BASE64.decode(pic);
image1 = photo;
I'm getting the following error...
A value of type "List<int>" cannot be assigned to a variable of type "Type"
If you could please provide a reverse process for encoding an image into Base64 so they may be saved back to Firebase, that would be appreciated.
Here is my updated code that's still throwing an error.
image1 = event.snapshot.value['image'];
var image = BASE64.decode(image1.toString());
new Image.memory(image),
The error is...
FormatException: Invalid Length must be a multiple of 4