I am trying to calculate a distance matrix for a long list of locations identified by Latitude & Longitude using the Haversine formula that takes two tuples of coordinate pairs to produce the distance:
def haversine(point1, point2, miles=False):
""" Calculate the great-circle distance bewteen two points on the Earth surface.
:input: two 2-tuples, containing the latitude and longitude of each point
in decimal degrees.
Example: haversine((45.7597, 4.8422), (48.8567, 2.3508))
:output: Returns the distance bewteen the two points.
The default unit is kilometers. Miles can be returned
if the ``miles`` parameter is set to True.
I can calculate the distance between all points using a nested for loop as follows:
id coordinates
0 1 (16.3457688674, 6.30354512503)
1 2 (12.494749307, 28.6263955635)
2 3 (27.794615136, 60.0324947881)
3 4 (44.4269923769, 110.114216113)
4 5 (-69.8540884125, 87.9468778773)
using a simple function:
distance = {}
def haver_loop(df):
for i, point1 in df.iterrows():
distance[i] = []
for j, point2 in df.iterrows():
distance[i].append(haversine(point1.coordinates, point2.coordinates))
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(distance, orient='index')
But this takes quite a while given the time complexity, running at around 20s for 500 points and I have a much longer list. This has me looking at vectorization, and I've come across numpy.vectorize
((docs), but can't figure out how to apply it in this context.