I wanted to memoize this:
def fib(n: Int) = if(n <= 1) 1 else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
println(fib(100)) // times out
So I wrote this and this surprisingly compiles and works (I am surprised because fib
references itself in its declaration):
case class Memo[A,B](f: A => B) extends (A => B) {
private val cache = mutable.Map.empty[A, B]
def apply(x: A) = cache getOrElseUpdate (x, f(x))
val fib: Memo[Int, BigInt] = Memo {
case 0 => 0
case 1 => 1
case n => fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
println(fib(100)) // prints 100th fibonacci number instantly
But when I try to declare fib inside of a def
, I get a compiler error:
def foo(n: Int) = {
val fib: Memo[Int, BigInt] = Memo {
case 0 => 0
case 1 => 1
case n => fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
Above fails to compile error: forward reference extends over definition of value fib
case n => fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
Why does declaring the val fib
inside a def fails but outside in the class/object scope works?
To clarify, why I might want to declare the recursive memoized function in the def scope - here is my solution to the subset sum problem:
* Subset sum algorithm - can we achieve sum t using elements from s?
* @param s set of integers
* @param t target
* @return true iff there exists a subset of s that sums to t
def subsetSum(s: Seq[Int], t: Int): Boolean = {
val max = s.scanLeft(0)((sum, i) => (sum + i) max sum) //max(i) = largest sum achievable from first i elements
val min = s.scanLeft(0)((sum, i) => (sum + i) min sum) //min(i) = smallest sum achievable from first i elements
val dp: Memo[(Int, Int), Boolean] = Memo { // dp(i,x) = can we achieve x using the first i elements?
case (_, 0) => true // 0 can always be achieved using empty set
case (0, _) => false // if empty set, non-zero cannot be achieved
case (i, x) if min(i) <= x && x <= max(i) => dp(i-1, x - s(i-1)) || dp(i-1, x) // try with/without s(i-1)
case _ => false // outside range otherwise
dp(s.length, t)
See Question&Answers more detail:os