I'm writing a program which expects a number of lat/long points, and I convert them internally to UTM in order to do some calculations in metres.
The range of the lat/long points themselves is quite small -- about 200m x 200m. They can be relied on almost always to be within a single UTM zone (unless you get unlucky and are across the border of a zone).
However, the zone that the lat/longs are in is unrestricted. One day the program might be run for people in Australia (and oh, how many zones does even a single state lie across, and how much pain has that caused me already...), and another day for people in Mexico.
My question is -- is there a way to determine which zone a particular long/lat is in so that it may be fed into a conversion library (I currently use proj4 and also the R package rgdal
My language is R, but the answer doesn't have to be -- maybe it's just a simple calculation, or maybe I can embed a system call to the proj
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