I've an abstract class with so many methods with business logic. While writing Junits I'm testing abstract class by creating its Mock with Calls to real methods. In my Junit, I don't want to create a concrete class to test abstract class method, because then my Junit test case will get some behavior that I don't want.
I'm using this to achieve a mock to call my abstract class.
But my problem is, My abstract class has so many dependencies which are Autowired.
Child classes are @component
. Now if it was not an abstract class, I would've used @InjectMocks, to inject these mock dependencies. But how to add mock to this instance I crated above.
Simplifies version of code here/
abstract class AbstractService{
DependencyOne dp1;
private DependencyOne dp2;
public void doSometingSpecial(){
My Junit is
class AbstractServiceTest {
private DependencyOne dp1;
private DependencyOne dp2;
void testDirectCall_whenSomething_thenSomerhing(){
AbstractService service = Mockito.mock(AbstractService.class,Mockito.CALLS_REAL_METHODS);
//How to inject dep1 and dp2 mock to write junit for doSometingSpecial()