I have a class with the following member functions:
/// caller pid
virtual pid_t Pid() const = 0;
/// physical memory size in KB
virtual uint64_t Size() const = 0;
/// resident memory for this process
virtual uint64_t Rss() const = 0;
/// cpu used by this process
virtual double PercentCpu() const = 0;
/// memory used by this process
virtual double PercentMemory() const = 0;
/// number of threads in this process
virtual int32_t Lwps() const = 0;
This class' duty is to return process information about caller. Physical memory size can easily determined by a sysctl call, and pid is trivial, but the remaining calls have eluded me, aside from invoking a popen on ps or top and parsing the output - which isn't acceptable. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Compiles on g++ 4.0
No obj-c
OSX 10.5