The code is working fine, but my main component is too overwhelmed with the function "renderCadastros".
How can i make the function "renderCadastros" a child component and use it where i have "{}" and keep the code running the same?
I'll still have to call the function "removerCadastro" from this parent component when the "renderCadastros" component is created.
Parent component:
import './App.css';
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import {Table, Jumbotron, Button, Badge} from 'react-bootstrap'
import Formulario from './Formulario'
function App() {
const [Cadastros, setCadastros] = useState([{
"id": 1,
"nome": "Francisca Julia da Costa",
"cpf": "457.696.936-65",
"rg": "47.360.897-2",
"data_nasc": "23/03/1944",
"sexo": "Feminino"
"id": 2,
"nome": "Noah Felipe Silva",
"cpf": "956.531.431-70",
"rg": "40.974.782-8",
"data_nasc": "11/07/1964",
"sexo": "Masculino"
"id": 3,
"nome": "Alícia Rosangela Melo",
"cpf": "066.291.353-18",
"rg": "36.214.141-1",
"data_nasc": "18/02/1978",
"sexo": "Feminino"
function atualizarCadastros(novoCadastro){
setCadastros(cadastrosAtuais => {
return [...cadastrosAtuais, novoCadastro]
function idExiste(novaId){
return Cadastros.some(cadastro=> == novaId)
function removerCadastro(index){
setCadastros(Cadastros.filter(cadastro => != index))
function renderCadastros(cadastro, index){
<tr id={} key={index}>
<td contentEditable="true" suppressContentEditableWarning={true}>{cadastro.nome}</td>
<td contentEditable="true" suppressContentEditableWarning={true}>{cadastro.cpf}</td>
<td contentEditable="true" suppressContentEditableWarning={true}>{cadastro.rg}</td>
<td contentEditable="true" suppressContentEditableWarning={true}>{cadastro.data_nasc}</td>
<td contentEditable="true" suppressContentEditableWarning={true}>{cadastro.sexo}</td>
<td align="center"><Button onClick={()=>removerCadastro(} variant="danger">Excluir</Button></td>
return (
<Jumbotron style={{background: 'transparent'}}>
<Formulario idExiste={idExiste} atualizarCadastros={atualizarCadastros} />
Quantidade de registros: <Badge variant="info">{Cadastros.length}</Badge>
<Table striped bordered hover size='sm'>
export default App;