I have a widget in WAB and I am trying to set the default value to one of the toggle buttons to true or in other words, I want one of the toggle buttons to be turned on. By default, the buttons are toggled on but I managed to turn them both off. The widget looks like this
and my code looks like this
_initToggleUnits: function () {
["area", "distance"],
d.hitch(this, function (a) {
var b = this[a + "MeasureHeader"];
a = new N({}, this[a + "ToggleDraw"]);
b.toggleButton = a;
// turn off both toggles
var x = this[c.getAttr(b, "data-index") + "Body"];
if( c.hasClass(b, "applied")){
(c.removeClass(b, "applied"), c.setStyle(x, "display", "none"));
// turn off both toggles
this.own(g(b, "click", d.hitch(this, this.toggleFilter, b)));
toggleFilter: function (a) {
var b = this[c.getAttr(a, "data-index") + "Body"];
c.hasClass(a, "applied") ? (a.toggleButton.uncheck(), c.removeClass(a, "applied"), c.setStyle(b, "display", "none")) : (a.toggleButton.check(), c.addClass(a, "applied"), c.setStyle(b, "display", "block"));
I haven't got the slightest clue as in how to proceed. Both divs
have different ids
One is areaMeasure
, the other is distanceMeasure
. How do I apply my code to only one button?