I am trying to install the Python package Essentia. I use the following brew recipe they provide:
brew install essentia --HEAD
On running, it notes the version of Python it finds:
→ Configuring for python3
python-config : /usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin/python3.8-config
but fails because:
Checking for python module 'numpy' : not found
Could not find the python module 'numpy'
I have just upgraded to Big Sur and Python 3.9.1 by downloading the installer from the Python.org website. It says everything went fine on the installation, but when I type python --version into Terminal, it says the Python version is 3.7.6.
Hence, when I try to install numpy via pip install numpy, it says, "requirement already satisfied". I guess it is trying to install to this version?
I am now very confused. I installed Python 3.9.1, python --version shows 3.7.6 but v3.8 is found when I try to install Essentia.
How can I install numpy so Essentia can be installed correctly, and what is going on with all these different versions?