library(rstatix) germination<-read.table(file="Germination_data_for_R.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ',') EPPO <-as.factor(germination$EPPO) Alt<-as.factor(germination$Alternariage) Steril<-as.factor(germination$Sterilized) rep<-as.factor(germination$?..R) wilcox.test(D7~EPPO) boxplot(subset(D7),data=germination) gsm<-ger_summary(SeedN = "seeds", evalName = "D", data =germination) av <- aov(D ~ EPPO+ Alt +Steril, data = germination) summary(germination) pairs(germination) cor(germination)```
I am quite new to R and am sure that I am missing something that isnt that complicated. Any help would be appreciated
I am trying to analyze germination data that I created with three different factors using 3 replicates of each treatment and 50 replications within each treatment.
Right now I am struggling with:
1)Getting R to recognize Day0-7 (D0-D7) I keep getting this error:Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'D7' not found
- I found a package GerminaR that is supposed to be able to help process germination data with multiple factors...the ultimate goal is ANOVA on the different treatments, but whenever I try to run the Anova I get:Error in model.frame.default(formula = D ~ EPPO + Alt + Steril, data = germination, : object is not a matrix
[> Blockquote][1]
I have attached an image of my data here [1]: