I cannot grasp this. I am trying to determine profit/loss percentage. My table is: SOLD_PRICE | QTY_ SOLD | PRODUCT_COST | QTY_PURCHASED
SOLD_PRICE is 170.00, QTY_SOLD is 1, PRODUCT_COST is 43.00, QTY_PURCHASED is 2
(SUM(sold_price) * (qty_sold)) - (SUM(product_cost) * (qty_purchased)) / (SUM(product_cost) * (qty_purchased)) as 'totalpct' This is GROUPED BY UPC code
I get a value of 169, but it should be 170.00 * 1 = 170.00 - 86.00 = 84.00 / 86.00 = 0.976
Please help, it is driving me mad and cannot grasp where 169 is coming from.