Here is a function I wrote to break a long string into lines not longer than a given length
strBreakInLines <- function(s, breakAt=90, prepend="") {
words <- unlist(strsplit(s, " "))
if (length(words)<2) return(s)
wordLen <- unlist(Map(nchar, words))
lineLen <- wordLen[1]
res <- words[1]
lineBreak <- paste("
", prepend, sep="")
for (i in 2:length(words)) {
lineLen <- lineLen+wordLen[i]
if (lineLen < breakAt)
res <- paste(res, words[i], sep=" ")
else {
res <- paste(res, words[i], sep=lineBreak)
lineLen <- 0
It works for the problem I had; but I wonder if I can learn something here. Is there a shorter or more efficient solution, especially can I get rid of the for loop?
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