There is a lot of content of what kind of relationships should use in a database schema. However, I have not seen anything about mixing both techniques.? The idea is to embed only the necessaries attributes and with them a reference. This way the application have the necessary data for rendering and the reference for the updating methods.
The problem I see here is that the logic for handle any CRUD operations becomes more tricky because its mandatory to update multiples collections however I have all the information in one single read.
Basic schema for a page that only wants the students names of a classroom:
{"_id": ObjectID(),
"students": [{"studentId" : ObjectID(),
"name" : "John Doe",
{"_id": ObjectID(),
"name" : "John Doe",
"address" : "...",
"age" : "...",
"gender": "..."
I use the students' collection in a different page and there I do not want any information about the classroom. That is the reason not to embed the students.
I started to learning mongo a few days ago and I don't know if this kind of schema bring some problems.