I have an sql query that looks like this:
//do a query to find all the samples in the currently selected rack
$sql = "SELECT SampleID, ColumnNumber, RowNumber FROM Samples WHERE Rack = ?";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param("s", $rack);
$rackContents = $stmt->get_result();
In each rack, a ColumnNumber and RowNumber combination describes a position in the rack, starting with:
ColumnNumber = 1, RowNumber = 1 then
ColumnNumber = 2, RowNumber = 1
and so on until (for example, in a 10x10 rack)
ColumnNumber = 10, RowNumber = 10.
I want to display the SampleIDs in each position of the rack in a table. Using a nested loop, I can draw a table that has a <td>
for each rack position. What I can't figure out is how to display the SampleID based on the ColumnNumber and RowNumber combination for each position.
This is how I build the table:
//start a loop that visits each row
$rownumber = 1;
while ($rownumber <= $numberofrows){
//start a loop that visits each column
//start a row
echo "<tr>";
$columnnumber = 0;
while ($columnnumber <= $numberofcolumns){
if ($columnnumber == 0){
echo "<td>" . $rownumber . "</td>";
//find the sample number for the relevant column and row
//inside the array we got in an sql query earlier, $rackContents
echo "<td>" . x . "</td>";
//What do I put in place of the x to output the appropriate
//SampleId for the ColumnNumber/RowNumber combo?
}//end the columnnumber loop
//end the row
echo "</tr>";
}//end the rownumber loop
I've been looking at array_search, but I just can't get anywhere.