I have a worksheet with data in columns A through D.
I am looking for a convenient way to take these columns and convert to dictionary where the cell in column A is the key and column B, C, D forms an array and subsequently, the value.
For example, if we have:
1 Apple Red Round Yummy
2 Banana Yellow Crescent
The Macro would produce a dictionary with two keys (Apple, Banana), and an array as the value for apple ("Red", "Round", "Yummy"), and an array as the value for Banana ("Yellow", "Crescent", ""). There will be no empty spaces in column A to be skipped, so the macro could stop building the dictionary with the first cell in column A that doesn't have a value. If there is an empty cell in columns B, C or D, the array would hold it's place with "".
I hope to access this dictionary using the key later and extracting the values associated with the key to fill cells on a different worksheet, using a different macro.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the pointers everyone! I was not sure exactly where to begin as I am new to the VBA language.
So here is where I am at currently. I have a couple issues.
The various variables stored in the info array have values of "" according to the debugger
The last three lines are causing the type mismatch (runtime 13) error.
'Filling in Facility values from dictionary
'Set up variables to capture data from contact table
Dim dict As Dictionary
Dim r As Integer
Dim facilityID As String
Dim facilityName As String
Dim nameOnForm As String
Dim contact As String
Dim phone As String
Dim fax As String
Dim copies As Integer
Dim info As Collection
'Create the dictionary
Set dict = New Dictionary
Set info = New Collection
'Initialize additional variables to aid iteration through table
copies = 0
r = 2 'First row contains header, so start at row 2
facilityID = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 1).Value
facilityName = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 2).Value
nameOnForm = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 3).Value
contact = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 4).Value
phone = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 5).Value
fax = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 6).Value
'keep processing data until we run out of facilityIDs
While Len(nameOnForm) > 0
'If entry already in dict (unusual), then increment copy count
If dict.Exists(nameOnForm) Then
copies = copies + 1
MsgBox "You have more than one facility with the same name!"
'If not already in dict
'First build the array object that will become the value
info.Add facilityID
info.Add nameOnForm
info.Add contact
info.Add phone
info.Add fax
'Add the key value pair to the dictionary
dict.Add facilityName, info
End If
'increment the row we are looking at
r = r + 1
'update references accordingly
facilityID = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 1).Value
facilityName = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 2).Value
nameOnForm = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 3).Value
contact = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 4).Value
phone = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 5).Value
fax = Worksheets("Contact List").Cells(r, 6).Value
Worksheets("CRA Form").Range("D12").Value = dict(facilityName)(2) 'Contact
Worksheets("CRA Form").Range("D14").Value = dict(facilityName)(3) 'Phone
Worksheets("CRA Form").Range("C16").Value = dict(facilityName)(4) 'Fax