need a little help. I am working on SQL server and I need to display data that is in multiple columns but different rows. I tried using a exists but that did not work. And join does not work in this scenario and neither does and/or statement.
Part name supplier01 supplier02 supplier03
a1 1 3 zzz
b1 2 4
c1 3 zzz
d1 4 1
e1 zzz 1 2
Now in the example above, part a is sold by supplier 1, 3 and 5. Part b is sold by supplier 2 and 4 so on and so forth.
What I need to do is display a list of all the parts sold by supplier one but in different columns. So the display should look like
Part name supplier01 supplier02 supplier03
a1 1
d1 1
e1 1
Any help or thoughts are appreciated. Update: Sorry in my initial question I forgot to mention that Partname, supplier01, supplier02, supplier 03 columns are navchar.