I have daily temperature values for several years, 1949-2010. I would like to calculate monthly means. Here is an example of the data:
1949-01-01 6.836547 6.65 7.33 0.02850574 0.1688364 1.426652 6
1949-01-02 10.533371 10.24 10.74 0.06140426 0.2477988 1.426652 6
1949-01-03 18.746729 18.02 19.78 0.18507860 0.4302076 1.426652 6
1949-01-04 21.244562 20.09 22.40 0.76106980 0.8723931 1.426652 6
1949-01-05 3.826716 3.11 5.37 0.52706647 0.7259935 1.426652 6
1949-01-06 9.127782 8.46 10.26 0.20236358 0.4498484 1.426652 6
'data.frame': 22645 obs. of 8 variables:
$ TIMESTEP : Date, format: "1949-01-01" "1949-01-02" ...
$ MEAN.C. : num 6.84 10.53 18.75 21.24 3.83 ...
$ MINIMUM.C. : num 6.65 10.24 18.02 20.09 3.11 ...
$ MAXIMUM.C. : num 7.33 10.74 19.78 22.4 5.37 ...
$ VARIANCE.C.2.: num 0.0285 0.0614 0.1851 0.7611 0.5271 ...
$ STD_DEV.C. : num 0.169 0.248 0.43 0.872 0.726 ...
$ SUM : num 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 ...
$ COUNT : int 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...
There is a previous question that I couldn't make heads or tails of. I imagine I can probably use aggregate
, but I don't know how to break up the dates into the years and months and then approach the nesting of the months inside the years. I tried a loop inside of a loop, but I can never get nested loops to work.
EDIT to reply to comments/questions: I was looking for the mean of "MEAN.C."
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