Is it possible to share the same "pool" for ids when using following syntax?
create table TEST (
generated by default on null as identity ( start with 1 nocycle noorder) not null
constraint CKC_ID check (ID >= 0),
constraint PK_ID primary key (ID )
create table TEST2 (
generated by default on null as identity ( start with 1 nocycle noorder) not null
constraint CKC_ID2 check (ID >= 0),
constraint PK_ID2 primary key (ID )
When both attribute have the same name? The only possibility I came up was to start both at different values. Like Test on 1000 and test 2 on 2000 but this is not a long term solution. I'm looking to a solution where I can "share" the same "pool" for ids, so that the id's will never overlap.