I am trying to build an R package so reading the manual on CRAN. I could figure out that using imports to load functions in your namespace would be the best bet to use in the Description file. After adding to the description file, I also added it to the namespace file. I added importFrom to the namespace file with the functions required.
Now when I run R CMD check on my package, I get an ERROR as
Namespace dependencies not required : 'ggplot2'
Further information : Even if I add the package to the Depends in the description file, they are not getting loaded.
Please help with this.
Please find my description file below
Package: bigpackage
Type: Package
Title: Some title
Version: 1.0
Date: 2012-10-25
Author: Mayank Bansal
Maintainer: somename
Imports : R(>= 2.15.1), SweaveListingUtils( >=0.5.5),xtable(>=1.7-0),
brew(>=1.0-6), knitr(>=0.8), RHive(>= 0.0-6), ggplot2(>=0.9.2)
, brew, knitr
SystemRequirements : LaTeX(texi2dvi) must be present in the system to
create PDF reports
Description: Some Description
License: file LICENSE
LazyLoad: yes
ByteCompile: true
OS_type : unix
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