I want to add a new column to my data.table. This column should contain the sum of another column of all rows that satisfy a certain condition. An example: My data.table looks like this:
DT <- data.table(n=c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b"),
t=c(10, 20, 33, 40, 50, 22, 25, 34, 11),
v=c(20, 15, 16, 17, 11, 12, 20, 22, 10)
n t v
1: a 10 20
2: a 20 15
3: a 33 16
4: a 40 17
5: a 50 11
6: a 22 12
7: b 25 20
8: b 34 22
9: b 11 10
For every row x and every row i, where abs(t[i] - t[x]) <= 10, I want to calculate
foo = sum( v[i] * abs(t[i] - t[x]) )
In SQL I would solve this using a self join. In R I was able to do this using a for loop:
for (i in 1:nrow(DT))
DT[i, foo:=DT[n==DT[i]$n & abs(t-DT[i]$t)<=10, sum(v * abs(t-DT[i]$t) )]]
n t v foo
1: a 10 20 150
2: a 20 15 224
3: a 33 16 119
4: a 40 17 222
5: a 50 11 170
6: a 22 12 30
7: b 25 20 198
8: b 34 22 180
9: b 11 10 0
Unfortunately I have to do this quite often and the table I work with is rather larger. The for-loop approach works but is too slow. I played around with the sqldf package, with no real breakthrough. I would love to do this using some data.table magic and there I need your help :-). I think what is needed is some kind of self join on the condition that the difference of the t values is smaller then the threshold.
Follow up: I have a follow up question: In my application this join is done over and over again. The v's change, but the t's and the n's are always the same. So I am thinking about somehow storing which rows belong together. Any ideas how to do this in a clever way?
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