I see a lot of articles about how to change the decimal precision in R. But is there some way to get R to display a whole number instead of showing something like 9e+08
I see a lot of articles about how to change the decimal precision in R. But is there some way to get R to display a whole number instead of showing something like 9e+08
I see you've been given a format
approach. Do realize that function returns a "character" value. If you wanted to globally change the behavior of your console session in favor of "whole numbers", then changing scipen option()
is the way to go.
> options("scipen" = 10)
> options()$scipen
[1] 10
> 9e+08
[1] 900000000
The value given to 'scipen' is not actually the threshold for exponent format but is rather a "bias" with larger positive numbers increasing the values printed in fixed notation.