I have a few hundred thousand very small .dat.gz
files that I want to read into R in the most efficient way possible. I read in the file and then immediately aggregate and discard the data, so I am not worried about managing memory as I get near the end of the process. I just really want to speed up the bottleneck, which happens to be unzipping and reading in the data.
Each dataset consists of 366 rows and 17 columns. Here is a reproducible example of what I am doing so far:
Building reproducible data:
# Make dir
system("mkdir practice")
# Function to create data
create_write_data <- function(file.nm) {
dt <- data.table(Day=0:365)
dt[, (paste0("V", 1:17)) := lapply(1:17, function(x) rnorm(n=366))]
write.table(dt, paste0("./practice/",file.nm), row.names=FALSE, sep="", quote=FALSE)
system(paste0("gzip ./practice/", file.nm))
And here is code applying:
# Apply function to create 10 fake zipped data.frames (550 kb on disk)
tmp <- lapply(paste0("dt", 1:10,".dat"), function(x) create_write_data(x))
And here is my most efficient code so far to read in the data:
# Function to read in files as fast as possible
read_Fast <- function(path.gz) {
system(paste0("gzip -d ", path.gz)) # Unzip file
path.dat <- gsub(".gz", "", path.gz)
dat_run <- fread(path.dat)
# Apply above function
dat.files <- list.files(path="./practice", full.names = TRUE)
system.time(dat.list <- rbindlist(lapply(dat.files, read_Fast), fill=TRUE))
I have bottled this up in a function and applied it in parallel, but it is still much much too slow for what I need this for.
I have already tried the h2o.importFolder
from the wonderful h2o
package, but it is actually much much slower compared to using plain R
with data.table
. Maybe there is a way to speed up the unzipping of files, but I am unsure. From the few times that I have run this, I have noticed that the unzipping of the files usually takes about 2/3rd of the function time.