I'm a Shiny novice, but I'm trying to use it in a project that I'm working on. I'd like to be able to do two things from clicking on a point on a ggplot graph: add a plot character at the specified point (conditioned on info from the sidebar), and add the coordinates (with info from the sidebar) to a data frame. Here's what I've got in terms of code so far:
df = data.frame()
ui = pageWithSidebar(
radioButtons("orientation", "Pick", c("L", "P", "H")),
"Select Here:",
c("Option 1", "Option 2")
"Select Here:",
c("Option 3", "Option 4"),
radioButtons("type", "Type:", c("P", "S")),
radioButtons("creator", "Creator?", c("H", "A"))
plotOutput("plot1", click = "plot_click"),
actionButton("update", "Add Event")
server = function(input, output){
output$plot1 = renderPlot({
ggplot(df) + geom_rect(xmin = 0, xmax = 100, ymin = 0, ymax = 50, fill = "red")
output$info = renderText({
paste0("x = ", input$plot_click$x, "
y = ", input$plot_click$y)
shinyApp(ui, server)
I'm confused on how to add the clicked x and y points from plot_click
to df
so that I can add the data to a bigger database. Any help would be appreciated, and I'd be happy to give more info about the project if needed!