As the title says my code is working locally but not in production. I need to upload an xls file and check some details on it. It works locally but when I put it on production it doesnt work.
I've checked the typical issues like .
It simply doesnt work in my server but it does at localhost.
Any help/question to fix this?
class ExcelForm(forms.Form):
def validate_file_extension(value):
extension = os.path.splitext([1]
valid_extensions = ['.xls', '.xlsx']
if not extension.lower() in valid_extensions:
raise ValidationError('Valid extensions: xls, xlsx')
def validate_file_content(value):
df = pd.read_excel(value.file)
if 'X' in df.columns and 'Y' in df.columns and 'Z' in df.columns:
for i in df.index:
mail = df['x'][i]
except ValidationError:
raise ValidationError('Error ...')
excel = forms.FileField(validators=[validate_file_extension, validate_file_content])