I am trying to make a map with two legends denoting shape and colour ("Type" and "Org" in the example below), and have the legends inset. I can place the legends, but I would like them to be left justified so that their left edges line up. I can't make them anything other than centred with respect to each other:
data <- data.frame(Org=rep(c("ABCDEFG","HIJKLMNOP","QRSTUVWX"),4)
, Type=rep(c("Y","Z"),6), Lat=runif(12,48,54.5)
, Long=runif(12,-133.5,-122.5))
osmMap <- get_map(location=c(-134,47.5,-122,55), source = 'osm')
points <- geom_jitter(data=data, aes(Long, Lat, shape=Type
, colour=Org))
legend <- theme(legend.justification=c(0,0), legend.position=c(0,0)
, legend.margin=unit(0,"lines"), legend.box="vertical"
, legend.key.size=unit(1,"lines"), legend.text.align=0
, legend.title.align=0)
ggmap(osmMap) + points + legend
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