I have time series data that I'm predicting on, so I am creating lag variables to use in my statistical analysis. I'd like a quick way to create multiple variables given specific inputs so that I can easily cross-validate and compare models.
The following is example code that adds 2 lags for 2 different variables (4 total) given a certain category (A, B, C):
# Load dplyr
# create day, category, and 2 value vectors
days = 1:9
cats = rep(c('A','B','C'),3)
set.seed = 19
values1 = round(rnorm(9, 16, 4))
values2 = round(rnorm(9, 16, 16))
# create data frame
data = data.frame(days, cats, values1, values2)
# mutate new lag variables
LagVal = data %>% arrange(days) %>% group_by(cats) %>%
mutate(LagVal1.1 = lag(values1, 1)) %>%
mutate(LagVal1.2 = lag(values1, 2)) %>%
mutate(LagVal2.1 = lag(values2, 1)) %>%
mutate(LagVal2.2 = lag(values2, 2))
days cats values1 values2 LagVal1.1 LagVal1.2 LagVal2.1 LagVal2.2
<int> <fctr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 A 16 -10 NA NA NA NA
2 2 B 14 24 NA NA NA NA
3 3 C 16 -6 NA NA NA NA
4 4 A 12 25 16 NA -10 NA
5 5 B 20 14 14 NA 24 NA
6 6 C 18 -5 16 NA -6 NA
7 7 A 21 2 12 16 25 -10
8 8 B 19 5 20 14 14 24
9 9 C 18 -3 18 16 -5 -6
My problem comes in at the # mutate new lag variables
step, since I have about a dozen predictor variables that I would potentially want to lag up to 10 times (~13k row dataset), and I don't have the heart to create 120 new variables.
Here is my attempt at writing a function which mutates new variables given the inputs for data
(dataset to mutate), variables
(the variables you wish to lag), and lags
(the number of lags per variable):
MultiMutate = function(data, variables, lags){
# select the data to be working with
FuncData = data
# Loop through desired variables to mutate
for (i in variables){
# Loop through number of desired lags
for (u in 1:lags){
FuncData = FuncData %>% arrange(days) %>% group_by(cats) %>%
# Mutate new variable for desired number of lags. Give new variable a name with the lag number appended
mutate(paste(i, u) = lag(i, u))
To be honest I'm just sort of lost on how to get this to work. The ordering of my for-loops and overall logic makes sense, but the way the function takes characters into variables and the overall syntax seems way off. Is there a simple way to fix up this function to get my desired result?
In particular, I'm looking for:
A function like
MultiMutate(data = data, variables = c(values1, values2), lags = 2)
that would create the exact result ofLagVal
from above.Dynamically naming the variables based on the variable and their lag. I.e. value1.1, value1.2, value2.1, value2.2, etc.
Thank you in advance and let me know if you need additional information. If there's a simpler way to get what I'm looking for, then I am all ears.
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