I read this doc. https://openweathermap.org/api/one-call-api
make an API call and get current & daily data and here what daily data is:
daily: Array(8)
0: {dt: 1611057600, sunrise: 1611042930, sunset: 1611073597, temp: {…}, feels_like: {…}, …}
1: {dt: 1611144000, sunrise: 1611129267, sunset: 1611160097, temp: {…}, feels_like: {…}, …}
2: {dt: 1611230400, sunrise: 1611215602, sunset: 1611246597, temp: {…}, feels_like: {…}, …}
3: {dt: 1611316800, sunrise: 1611301933, sunset: 1611333099, temp: {…}, feels_like: {…}, …}
4: {dt: 1611403200, sunrise: 1611388263, sunset: 1611419602, temp: {…}, feels_like: {…}, …}
5: {dt: 1611489600, sunrise: 1611474590, sunset: 1611506106, temp: {…}, feels_like: {…}, …}
6: {dt: 1611576000, sunrise: 1611560914, sunset: 1611592611, temp: {…}, feels_like: {…}, …}
7: {dt: 1611662400, sunrise: 1611647236, sunset: 1611679116, temp: {…}
clouds: 100
dew_point: 6.92
dt: 1611057600
feels_like: {day: 4.85, night: 4.15, eve: 3.98, morn: 5.82}
humidity: 76
pop: 1
pressure: 1006
rain: 7.51
sunrise: 1611042930
sunset: 1611073597
temp: {day: 10.85, min: 9.13, max: 11.31, night: 10.76, eve: 10.3, …}
uvi: 0.28
weather: [{…}]
wind_deg: 233
wind_speed: 7.51
__proto__: Object
And I thought that 0[dt] = day of the week but that's not true, that's just a information of todays' day
I had a loop: {new Date(el.dt).getDate()} {new Date(el.dt).getHours()}-{new Date(el.dt).getMinutes()} {el.dt}
19 18-30 1611057600
19 18-32 1611144000
19 18-33 1611230400
19 18-35 1611316800
19 18-36 1611403200
19 18-38 1611489600
19 18-39 1611576000
19 18-41 1611662400
I want to get data from each day of the week but I don't know how to do it.
WeatherApi has this API: https://openweathermap.org/forecast16 and here we have a param "cnt" where we can specify how many days we want to get but this API requires a paid version. Since my apikey doesn't work with this api.
So, if someone know how to do it, it would be very nice.