I have axios installed as Vue plugin and want to access it from within a named Vuex store.
The axios plugin is defined within src/plugin/axios.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
install() {
Vue.prototype.$http = axios
Then in main.js
I have:
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import Axios from './plugins/axios'
import router from './router'
import { Auth0Plugin } from './auth'
import { domain, clientId, audience } from '../auth_config.json'
import store from './store/store'
Vue.config.productionTip = false
Vue.use(Auth0Plugin, {
onRedirectCallback: (appState) => {
appState && appState.targetUrl
? appState.targetUrl
: window.location.pathname
new Vue({
render: (h) => h(App)
And the named store is within store/modules/fixedstations.js
and contains:
export const namespaced = true
export const state = {
authorized: '',
listStations: [],
dataApi: [],
stationsStatus: [],
count: 0
const endpointStationsStatus =
export const actions = {
// I WANT TO AVOID TO PASS {http}} ----------------
getStationsStatus: async ({ commit },{ http }) => {
const { data } = await http.get(endpointStationsStatus)
commit('GET_STATIONS_STATUS', data)
export const mutations = {
CHECK_AUTH(state, payload) {
state.authorized = payload
GET_STATIONS_STATUS(state, payload) {
I want to access Axios http in my actions without having to explicitly pass it when dispatching the action. Currently, in my vue componet, I have to invoke methods as:
methods: {
async getData() {
// await this.$store.dispatch('fixedstations/increment')
await this.$store.dispatch('fixedstations/getStationsStatus', {
http: this.$http // WANT TO AVOID TO PASS THIS
I tried using Vue.axios.get (as suggested in post) but this throw error "Vue undefined" ( I added import Vue from 'vue'
at the beginning of store/modules/fixedstations
Essentially I want to avoid to pass {http:this.$http} whenever I dispatch an action while at the same time avoiding to instantiate multiple instances of axios.