I'm a beekeeper and writing an app under RoR to follow my beehives. Here are the main models that I have actually:
class Hive < ApplicationRecord
has_many :moves, dependent: :destroy
has_many :yards, through: :moves
has_many :visits
has_many :varroas
class Yard < ApplicationRecord
has_many :moves, -> { where(:most_recent => true) }
has_many :hives, through: :moves
belongs_to :owner
has_many :most_recents_moves, -> { where(:most_recent => true) }, :class_name => 'Move'
scope :last_move_completed, -> { joins(:moves).where('moves.most_recent=?', true)}
class Move < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :hive
belongs_to :yard
after_create :mark_most_recent
def mark_most_recent
hive.moves.order(:created_at => :desc).offset(1).update_all(:most_recent => false)
hive.moves.order(:created_at => :desc).limit(1).update_all(:most_recent => true)
class Visit < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :hive
belongs_to :visittype
class Varroa < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :hive
BUT, i need a Colony element between hives and visits or varroas.
When I visit a hive, in fact, I visit the colony. The colony can be moved to another hive for many reasons. A hive can be without colony (in stock), but a colony can not be without hive. concretely, a colony don't have any reference. When I make a visit, the only reference I have is the hive number. I should be able to access it as Hive.colony.visit.new or Hive.colony.visit.last
What is the right relationship between hives and colony ?
Thank you,