I'm trying to compare parallelization options. Specifically, I'm comparing the standard SNOW
and mulitcore
implementations to those using doSNOW
or doMC
and foreach
. As a sample problem, I'm illustrating the central limit theorem by computing the means of samples drawn from a standard normal distribution many times. Here's the standard code:
CltSim <- function(nSims=1000, size=100, mu=0, sigma=1){
sapply(1:nSims, function(x){
mean(rnorm(n=size, mean=mu, sd=sigma))
Here's the SNOW
cl <- makeCluster(2)
ParCltSim <- function(cluster, nSims=1000, size=100, mu=0, sigma=1){
parSapply(cluster, 1:nSims, function(x){
mean(rnorm(n=size, mean=mu, sd=sigma))
Next, the doSNOW
FECltSim <- function(nSims=1000, size=100, mu=0, sigma=1) {
x <- numeric(nSims)
foreach(i=1:nSims, .combine=cbind) %dopar% {
x[i] <- mean(rnorm(n=size, mean=mu, sd=sigma))
I get the following results:
> system.time(CltSim(nSims=10000, size=100))
user system elapsed
0.476 0.008 0.484
> system.time(ParCltSim(cluster=cl, nSims=10000, size=100))
user system elapsed
0.028 0.004 0.375
> system.time(FECltSim(nSims=10000, size=100))
user system elapsed
8.865 0.408 11.309
implementation shaves off about 23% of computing time relative to an unparallelized run (time savings get bigger as the number of simulations increase, as we would expect). The foreach
attempt actually increases run time by a factor of 20. Additionally, if I change %dopar%
to %do%
and check the unparallelized version of the loop, it takes over 7 seconds.
Additionally, we can consider the multicore
package. The simulation written for multicore
MCCltSim <- function(nSims=1000, size=100, mu=0, sigma=1){
unlist(mclapply(1:nSims, function(x){
mean(rnorm(n=size, mean=mu, sd=sigma))
We get an even better speed improvement than SNOW
> system.time(MCCltSim(nSims=10000, size=100))
user system elapsed
0.924 0.032 0.307
Starting a new R session, we can attempt the foreach
implementation using doMC
instead of doSNOW
, calling
then running FECltSim()
as above, still finding
> system.time(FECltSim(nSims=10000, size=100))
user system elapsed
6.800 0.024 6.887
This is "only" a 14-fold increase over the non-parallelized runtime.
Conclusion: My foreach
code is not running efficiently under either doSNOW
or doMC
. Any idea why?
Thanks, Charlie
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