How can one interact with dropdown boxes in RSelenium
? In particular, I can select the dropdown box using findElement
but how does one select an option with it?
How can one interact with dropdown boxes in RSelenium
? In particular, I can select the dropdown box using findElement
but how does one select an option with it?
here is the code to select a drop down list based on xpath.
Since the dropdown is inside an iframe, I have to switch into that iframe first. It probably is much easier in your situation.
New to RSelenium, check out the quick start tutorial, want to learn more about the function, refer to the pdf documentation.
remDr <- remoteDriver(remoteServerAddr = "localhost", port = 4444, browserName = "firefox")
iframe <- remDr$findElement(using='id', value="iframeResult")
# change audi to whatever your option value is
option <- remDr$findElement(using = 'xpath', "//*/option[@value = 'audi']")