In my Laravel 8 / blade/ jQuery 3.5.1 app I need to put string text in javascript like :
L.marker([{{$adLocation->lat}}, {{ $adLocation->lng }}]).addTo(locationMap)
.bindPopup("<b>Add Location!</b><br />"+'{!! crlf($adLocation->content) !!}'+".").openPopup();
I try to replace crlf characters with method like
function crlf(string $s) : string
return str_replace( array("
", "
", "
"), "<br />", $s);
// 2 lines below does not work too
// return preg_replace('/<br(s*)?/?>/i', "
", $s);
// return nl2br($s);
But anyway I got error :
edit:539 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
and I see in browser : and
Which way is valid ?