I have a data frame that needs to be split into two tables to satisfy Codd's 3rd normal form. In a simple case, the original data frame looks something like this:
> (df <- data.frame(hh_id = 1:2,
income = c(55000, 94000),
bday_01 = ymd(c(20150309, 19890211)),
bday_02 = ymd(c(19850911, 20000815)),
gender_01 = factor(c("M", "F")),
gender_02 = factor(c("F", "F"))))
hh_id income bday_01 bday_02 gender_01 gender_02
1 1 55000 2015-03-09 1985-09-11 M F
2 2 94000 1989-02-11 2000-08-15 F F
When I use the gather function, it warns that the attributes are not identical and loses the factor for gender and the lubridate for bday (or other attributes in the real-world example). Is there a nice tidyr solution to avoid the loss of each column's data type?
> (person <- df %>%
select(hh_id, bday_01:gender_02) %>%
gather(key, value, -hh_id) %>%
separate(key, c("key", "per_num"), sep = "_") %>%
spread(key, value))
hh_id per_num bday gender
1 1 01 1425859200 M
2 1 02 495244800 F
3 2 01 603158400 F
4 2 02 966297600 F
Warning message:
attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will be dropped
> lapply(person, class)
[1] "integer"
[1] "character"
[1] "character"
[1] "character"
I can imagine a way to do it by gathering each set of variables with the same data type separately and then joining all the tables, but there must be a more elegant solution that I'm missing.
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