I have seen an example of list apply (lapply) that works nicely to take a list of data objects, and return a list of regression output, which we can pass to Stargazer for nicely formatted output. Using stargazer with a list of lm objects created by lapply-ing over a split data.frame
by.river <- split(Boston, Boston$chas)
fit <- lapply(by.river, function(dd)lm(crim ~ indus,data=dd))
stargazer(fit, type = "text")
What i would like to do is, instead of passing a list of datasets to do the same regression on each data set (as above), pass a list of independent variables to do different regressions on the same data set. In long hand it would look like this:
fit2 <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)
fit2[[1]] <- lm(nox ~ indus, data = Boston)
fit2[[2]] <- lm(crim ~ indus, data = Boston)
stargazer(fit2, type = "text")
with lapply, i tried this and it doesn't work. Where did I go wrong?
myvarc <- c("nox","crim")
myvars <- as.list(myvarc)
fit <- lapply(myvars, function(dvar)lm(dvar ~ indus,data=Boston))
stargazer(fit, type = "text")
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