I'm trying to mock a service that has a generic method but I can't figure out how to define the effect in the mock. Can a generic effect even work? Are there any workarounds?
The service:
object AService {
type AService = Has[Service]
trait Service {
def add(n1: Int, n2: Int): Task[Int]
def foo[A](n1: A, n2: A): Task[A]
def live: ULayer[Has[Service]] = ...
The mock:
object AServiceMock extends Mock[AService] {
object Add extends Effect[(Int, Int), Nothing, Int]
object Foo[T] extends Effect[(T, T), Nothing, T] // <- Can I make something like this work?
override protected[test] val compose = ZLayer.fromService {proxy =>
new AService.Service {
override def add(n1: Int, n2: Int): Task[Int] = proxy(Add, n1, n2)
override def foo[T](n1: T, n2: T): Task[T] = proxy(Foo, n1, n2)
PS: I also tried with @mockable[AService.Service]
but I receive: "exception during macro expansion: identifier expected but $XMLSTART$< found"