I have a graph of wind speeds against direction which has a huge numeber of points, and so am using alpha=I(1/20) in addition to color=month
Here is a sample of code:
con <- dbConnect(...)
wind <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT speed_w/speed_e AS ratio, dir_58 as dir, MONTHNAME(timestamp) AS month, ROUND((speed_w+speed_e)/2) AS speed FROM tablename;");
qplot(wind$dir,wind$ratio,ylim=c(0.5,1.5),xlim=c(0,360),color=wind$month,alpha=I(1/30),main="West/East against direction")
This produces a decent graph, however my issue is that the alpha of the legend is 1/30th also, which makes it unreadable. Is there a way I can force the legend to be 1 alpha instead?
Here is an example:
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