There are far too many unknowns to identify the root cause of the delay from the posted code. Nevertheless, there are a few approaches and considerations that can be taken to help to identify the problem:
- Enable handler tracking for Boost.Asio 1.47+. Simply define
and Boost.Asio will write debug output, including timestamps, to the standard error stream. These timestamps can be used to help filter out delays introduced by application code (parseHeader()
, parsePacket()
, etc.).
- Verify that byte-ordering is being handled properly. For example, if the protocol defines the header's
field as two bytes in network-byte-order and the server is handling the field as a raw short, then upon receiving a message that has a body size of 10
- A big-endian machine will call
reading 10
bytes. The read operation should complete quickly as the socket already has the 10
byte body available for reading.
- A little-endian machine will call
reading 2560
bytes. The read operation will likely remain outstanding, as far more bytes are trying to be read than is intended.
- Use tracing tools such as strace, ltrace, etc.
- Modify Boost.Asio, adding timestamps throughout the callstack. Boost.Asio is shipped as a header-file only library. Thus, users may modify it to provide as much verbosity as desired. While not the cleanest or easiest of approaches, adding a print statement with timestamps throughout the callstack may help provide visibility into timing.
- Try duplicating the behavior in a short, simple, self contained example. Start with the simplest of examples to determine if the delay is systamtic. Then, iteratively expand upon the example so that it becomes closer to the real-code with each iteration.
Here is a simple example from which I started:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
class tcp_server
: public boost::enable_shared_from_this< tcp_server >
header_size = 4,
data_size = 10,
buffer_size = 1024,
max_stamp = 50
typedef boost::asio::ip::tcp tcp;
typedef boost::array< boost::posix_time::ptime, max_stamp > time_stamps;
tcp_server( boost::asio::io_service& service,
unsigned short port )
: strand_( service ),
acceptor_( service, tcp::endpoint( tcp::v4(), port ) ),
socket_( service ),
index_( 0 )
/// @brief Returns collection of timestamps.
time_stamps& stamps()
return stamps_;
/// @brief Start the server.
void start()
boost::bind( &tcp_server::handle_accept, this,
boost::asio::placeholders::error ) );
/// @brief Accept connection.
void handle_accept( const boost::system::error_code& error )
if ( error )
std::cout << error.message() << std::endl;
/// @brief Read header.
void read_header()
boost::asio::buffer( buffer_, header_size ),
boost::bind( &tcp_server::handle_read_header, this,
boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred ) );
/// @brief Handle reading header.
handle_read_header( const boost::system::error_code& error,
std::size_t bytes_transferred )
if ( error )
std::cout << error.message() << std::endl;
// If no more stamps can be recorded, then stop the async-chain so
// that io_service::run can return.
if ( !record_stamp() ) return;
// Read data.
boost::asio::buffer( buffer_, data_size ),
boost::bind( &tcp_server::handle_read_data, this,
boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred ) );
/// @brief Handle reading data.
void handle_read_data( const boost::system::error_code& error,
std::size_t bytes_transferred )
if ( error )
std::cout << error.message() << std::endl;
// If no more stamps can be recorded, then stop the async-chain so
// that io_service::run can return.
if ( !record_stamp() ) return;
// Start reading header again.
/// @brief Record time stamp.
bool record_stamp()
stamps_[ index_++ ] = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
return index_ < max_stamp;
boost::asio::io_service::strand strand_;
tcp::acceptor acceptor_;
tcp::socket socket_;
boost::array< char, buffer_size > buffer_;
time_stamps stamps_;
unsigned int index_;
int main()
boost::asio::io_service service;
// Create and start the server.
boost::shared_ptr< tcp_server > server =
boost::make_shared< tcp_server >( boost::ref(service ), 33333 );
// Run. This will exit once enough time stamps have been sampled.;
// Iterate through the stamps.
tcp_server::time_stamps& stamps = server->stamps();
typedef tcp_server::time_stamps::iterator stamp_iterator;
using boost::posix_time::time_duration;
for ( stamp_iterator iterator = stamps.begin() + 1,
end = stamps.end();
iterator != end;
++iterator )
// Obtain the delta between the current stamp and the previous.
time_duration delta = *iterator - *(iterator - 1);
std::cout << "Delta: " << delta.total_milliseconds() << " ms"
<< std::endl;
// Calculate the total delta.
time_duration delta = *stamps.rbegin() - *stamps.begin();
std::cout << "Total"
<< "
Start: " << *stamps.begin()
<< "
End: " << *stamps.rbegin()
<< "
Delta: " << delta.total_milliseconds() << " ms"
<< std::endl;
A few notes about the implementation:
- There is only one thread (main) and one asynchronous chain read_header->handle_read_header->handle_read_data. This should minimize the amount of time a ready-to-run handler spends waiting for an available thread.
- To focus on
, noise is minimized by:
- Using a pre-allocated buffer.
- Not using
or strand::wrap
- Recording the timestamps, and perform processing post-collection.
I compiled on CentOS 5.4 using gcc 4.4.0 and Boost 1.50. To drive the data, I opted to send 1000 bytes using netcat:
$ ./a.out > output &
[1] 18623
$ echo "$(for i in {0..1000}; do echo -n "0"; done)" | nc 33333
[1]+ Done ./a.out >output
$ tail output
Delta: 0 ms
Delta: 0 ms
Delta: 0 ms
Delta: 0 ms
Delta: 0 ms
Delta: 0 ms
Start: 2012-Sep-10 21:22:45.585780
End: 2012-Sep-10 21:22:45.586716
Delta: 0 ms
Observing no delay, I expanded upon the example by modifying the boost::asio::async_read
calls, replacing this
with shared_from_this()
and wrapping the ReadHandlers
s with strand_.wrap()
. I ran the updated example and still observed no delay. Unfortunately, that is as far as I could get based on the code posted in the question.
Consider expanding upon the example, adding in a piece from the real implementation with each iteration. For example:
- Start with using the
variable's type to control the buffer.
- Next, send valid data, and introduce
and parsePacket
- Finally, introduce the
If the example code is as close as possible to the real code, and no delay is being observed with boost::asio::async_read
, then the ReadHandler
s may be ready-to-run in the real code, but they are waiting on synchronization (the strand) or a resource (a thread), resulting in a delay:
- If the delay is the result of synchronization with the strand, then consider Robin's suggestion by reading a larger block of data to potentially reduce the amount of reads required per-message.
- If the delay is the result of waiting for a thread, then consider having an additional thread call