There are two types of users in my application, Professional and Consumer. Professional can add their area_of_services(aos), and they can add multiple aos.
A consumer can submit a service request; while submitting the request, a consumer has to choose an aos related to the request. If a professional is logged in, all requests which come under his aos should be listed. To make it happen, I need to join these tables RFQ(requests table), AOS(area of services table), Legal Professional(Professionals Table). Right now, I am doing it by fetching aos_ids from the professional's table, and with the use of explode, I took values and passing the query inside for each. I need to work with a proper JOIN win Eloquent. I am working with Laravel 8.
public function rfq_plp()
$lp_id = Session::get('lp_id');
$aos_of_plp = LpProfile::where('lp_profile_id', $lp_id)->first()->aos;
$aosnew = explode(',', $aos_of_plp);
foreach ($aosnew as $aosid) {
$rfqs[] = Rfq::join('areaof_specilizations',
'areaof_specilizations.aos_id', '=', 'rfqs.aos')
->leftjoin('countries as c', '', '=', 'rfqs.country_cs')
->leftjoin('countries as rs', '', '=', 'rfqs.country_rs')
-> where('rfqs.aos', '=', $aosid)
->get(['rs.country_name as rs_name',
'c.country_name as cs_name', 'rfqs.*',
My RFQ(Request Table) RFQ(Request) Table
Professional Table -
Professional Table aos values are comma-separated. I need to fetch the record from the RFQ table with aos id(single aos id) of the current professional.