I like only to update the @Html.Partial("_CommentSection") after Button type="submit" id="PostButton" is clicked by the user.
At the moment I reload the whole page to see the new comment. But I think its not nice to have it.
Is there a way to do it maybe and you can help me a bit more to come to my goal. Maybe with jquery - but I didn`t use this before and don't know how to do
I have in asp.net project a partial view of this code:
@model MyProject.Models.Home
@foreach (var comment in MyProject.Controllers.HomeController.GetAllComments(Model.Id))
<br />
added a comment -
<span id="edit-delete-comment">
@using (Html.BeginForm("DeleteComment", "Home"))
if (MyProject.Controllers.HomeController.CheckIfUserIsCreator(User.Identity.Name, comment.CommentId))
if (!MyProject.Controllers.HomeController.CheckDateOfComment(comment.CommentId))
<div class="form-actions no-color">
@Html.Hidden("returnUrl", this.Request.RawUrl)
@Html.Hidden("CommentId", comment.CommentId)
<input type="submit" value="Delete" class="t" />
<br />
<hr />
@using (Html.BeginForm("CreateComment", "Home", FormMethod.Post, null))
<div class="mt-5 d-flex flex-row">
@Html.Hidden("returnUrl", this.Request.RawUrl)
@Html.Hidden("HomeId", Model.Id)
<textarea class="form-control" name="CommentText"></textarea>
<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-block mt-2 post-btn" type="submit" id="PostButton">Post</button>
My View:
<div id="partial-update">
My Controller (update page after post is commented out)
public void CreateComment([Bind(Include = "CommentId,CommentText,CommentCreated,UserId,HomeId")] Comment comment, string returnUrl, int HomeId)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
comment.CommentCreated = DateTime.Now;
comment.UserId = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(i => i.UserEmail == User.Identity.Name).UserId;
comment.HomeId = HomeId;
//return Redirect(returnUrl);
//return Redirect(returnUrl);