I needed to download file using WebClient
in PowerShell 2.0, and I wanted to show download progress, so I did it this way:
$activity = "Downloading"
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$urlAsUri = New-Object System.Uri($url)
$event = New-Object System.Threading.ManualResetEvent($false)
$downloadProgress = [System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler] {
$progress = [int]((100.0 * $_.BytesReceived) / $_.TotalBytesToReceive)
Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status "${progress}% done" -PercentComplete $progress
$downloadComplete = [System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler] {
Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed
Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status "0% done" -PercentComplete 0
$client.DownloadFileAsync($urlAsUri, $file)
I am getting a error There is no Runspace available to run scripts in this thread.
for the code in $downloadProgress
handler, which is logical. However, how do I provide a Runspace
for the thread that (probably) belongs to the ThreadPool
UPDATE: Note that both answers to this question are worth reading, and I would accept both if I could.
See Question&Answers more detail:os