Small question regarding the SpringBoot admin project please.
This project is very helpful and brings a lot of pros. However, I was wondering how is it behaving in a multi instance environment.
Case 1: ONE instance of SpringBoot Admin and ONE instance of MySpringBootApp.
Result1: Very happy, we are able to see MySpringBootApp properly registered in the one instance of SpringBoot Admin. We are seeing metrics etc, super.
However, both are single points of failures.
Case 2: ONE instance of SpringBoot Admin and THREE instances of MySpringBootApp. (three to put a concrete number, concrete example, please read "many")
Result2: Still very happy, we are able to see ALL THREE MySpringBootApp properly registered in the one instance of SpringBoot Admin. We are seeing metrics etc, super.
However, SpringBoot Admin is still single points of failure.
Case 3: THREE instances of SpringBoot Admin and N(1 to X) instances of MySpringBootApp.
Result3: A bit surprised. The instances of MySpringBootApp are registered to only ONE out of many instances of SpringBoot Admin. So, its kinda still single point of failure even though there are many SpringBoot Admin.
Question: What is the proper way to achieve the registration to multiple instances of SpringBoot Admin please?
Thank you