By playing around with a function in R, I found out there are more aspects to it than meets the eye.
Consider ths simple function assignment, typed directly in the console:
f <- function(x)x^2
The usual "attributes" of f
, in a broad sense, are (i) the list of formal arguments, (ii) the body expression and (iii) the environment that will be the enclosure of the function evaluation frame. They are accessible via:
> formals(f)
> body(f)
> environment(f)
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
Moreover, str
returns more info attached to f
> str(f)
function (x)
- attr(*, "srcref")=Class 'srcref' atomic [1:8] 1 6 1 19 6 19 1 1
.. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilecopy', 'srcfile' <environment: 0x00000000145a3cc8>
Let's try to reach them:
> attributes(f)
This is being printed as a text, but it's stored as a numeric vector:
> c(attributes(f)$srcref)
[1] 1 6 1 19 6 19 1 1
And this object also has its own attributes:
> attributes(attributes(f)$srcref)
[1] "srcref"
The first one is an environment, with 3 internal objects:
> mode(attributes(attributes(f)$srcref)$srcfile)
[1] "environment"
> ls(attributes(attributes(f)$srcref)$srcfile)
[1] "filename" "fixedNewlines" "lines"
> attributes(attributes(f)$srcref)$srcfile$filename
[1] ""
> attributes(attributes(f)$srcref)$srcfile$fixedNewlines
[1] TRUE
> attributes(attributes(f)$srcref)$srcfile$lines
[1] "f <- function(x)x^2" ""
There you are! This is the string used by R to print attributes(f)$srcref
So the questions are:
Are there any other objects linked to
? If so, how to reach them?If we strip
of its attributes, usingattributes(f) <- NULL
, it doesn't seem to affect the function. Are there any drawbacks of doing this?