I've started learning Halide. Suppose I wanted to calculate the sum of elements in an array. Why is the following code snippet failing?
constexpr int N = 10;
ImageParam array(Float(32), 1);
Var x;
Func fsum("sum");
RDom i(1, N);
fsum(x) = 0.0f;
fsum(0) = array(0);
fsum(i) = array(i) + fsum(i-1);
Buffer<float> buffer(N);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) buffer(i) = rand() / 100.0f;
Buffer<float> output = fsum.realize(1);
The runtime error is:
libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type Halide::RuntimeError: Error: Input buffer p0 is accessed at 10, which is beyond the max (9) in dimension 0
UPDATE: I've updated the indices according to the accepted answer and put some code to check the reproducibility.
constexpr int N = 10;
ImageParam array(Float(32), 1);
Var x;
Func fsum("sum");
RDom i(1, N-1);
fsum(x) = 0.0f;
fsum(0) = array(0);
fsum(i) = array(i) + fsum(i-1);
Buffer<float> buffer(N);
float cppsum = 0.0f;
for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
buffer(k) = (float) k;
cppsum += k;
Buffer<float> hsum = fsum.realize(1);
std::cout << "Halide sum: " << hsum(0) << std::endl;
std::cout << "C++ sum: " << cppsum << std::endl;
//fsum.compile_to_lowered_stmt("hsum.html", {}, HTML);
Halide sum is 0. C++ sum is 45. I wanted to check the resulting code, but if the last line is commented out I get a
libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type Halide::CompileError: Error: Generated code refers to image parameter p0, which was not found in the argument list. Argument list specified:> Parameters referenced in generated code: p0> Abort trap: 6
What am I doing wrong?