I am a first year CS student and i am making a simple board game called Reversi/othello as a school project in Java. To print the board i used a HashMap and it prints out this: board
With each dot or X or O being a key in the hashmap, for example key A1 has a value of . and key D4 has a value of O. the game is played by two users who each give an input of X or O depending on the player. Every stone (or series of stones) that is between 2 of the other players stones either horizontally, vertically or diagonally needs to change to the stones it is surrounded by, and a player can only give an input if he can grab one of the other players stones, otherwise he skips a turn. For example: Board2
If player O were to place a stone at b2 the X at c2 needs to change in a O too because it is between 2 stones of the other player: Board3
I need to create an algorithm that with every turn checks if the player can place a valid stone, and that checks which stone(s) need to be turned. it needs to do this in every direction, but i have no idea how to create such algorithm. The only way i know is hardcoding e ve ry single solution in if-statements, but thats not very efficient. Like: if(board.board.get("c2") == board.BLACK && board.board.get("d2") == board.WHITE && board.board.get("b2") == board.WHITE ) { board.board.replace("c2", board.WHITE); board.printBoard(); }
Here is the code:
private boolean p1Start = false;
private boolean p2Start = false;
public final Player P1 = new Player();
public final Player P2 = new Player();
public void play(int amountofstones) {
ConsoleInteractor io = new ConsoleInteractor();
// create players
//welcome message
System.out.println("Welcome to a game of Reversi " + P1.getName().toUpperCase() + " and "
+ P2.getName().toUpperCase() + "!");
// create and print board
Board board = new Board();
// play a game of Reversi
//create a boolean that returns true when a stone has been succesfuly placed
boolean succes;
for (int i = 1; i < amountofstones; i = i + 2) { // eruit
if(p1Start) {
succes = false;
while (!succes) {
System.out.println(P1.getName().toUpperCase() + ", please enter your move:");
String move1 = io.readInput();
// check if the hashmap contains the key of move
if (board.board.containsKey(move1)) {
// check if the value of key move is equal to empty
if (board.board.get(move1) == board.EMPTY) {
//place a stone
board.board.replace(move1, board.BLACK);
succes = true;
} else {
//return error message when users tries to place a stone on a place thats already taken
System.out.println("that spot is already taken");
} else {
//return error message when user wants to put stone outside of board
System.out.println("That spot doesnt exist");
p2Start = true;
//same for player 2
succes = false;
if(p2Start) {
while (!succes) {
System.out.println(P2.getName().toUpperCase() + ", please enter your move:");
String move2 = io.readInput();
// check if the hashmap contains the key of move
if (board.board.containsKey(move2)) {
// check if the value of key move is equal to empty
if (board.board.get(move2) == board.EMPTY) {
board.board.replace(move2, board.WHITE);
succes = true;
} else {
//return error message when users tries to place a stone on a place thats already taken
System.out.println("that spot is already taken");
} else {
//return error message when user wants to put stone outside of board
System.out.println("That spot doesnt exist");
p1Start = true;
//if board is full or no white or black stones are left end game and print winner
if(!board.board.containsValue(board.EMPTY) || !board.board.containsValue(board.BLACK) || !board.board.containsValue(board.WHITE)) {
System.out.println("Game over");
int white = Collections.frequency( board.board.values(), board.WHITE);
int black = Collections.frequency( board.board.values(), board.BLACK);
int numOfWinsWhite = 0;
int numOfWinsBlack = 0;
if(white > black) {
System.out.println("The winner is: " + P2.getName());
}else if(black > white) {
System.out.println("The winner is: " + P1.getName());
}else {
System.out.println("Its a tie");
System.out.println(P1.getName() + ": " + numOfWinsBlack + " - " + P2.getName() + ": " + numOfWinsWhite);